Friday, July 6, 2012

The Jelly Chronicles part 3: Four Score and Seven Flip Flops ago...

By now, most of you, my adoring readers and vast fanbase ;), should know about the being of destruction who lives in my house. She goes by the name of Jelly, and I liken her to the creature King Kong. She leaves desolation in her wake, yet still provides hours of good entertainment and love.

Every once in a while, I like to give an update detailing how my "aMANdaS best friend" is doing. Since most of my blog posts have been centered on a serious note lately, I thought I'd give you all reprieve from my heartfelt ramblings, and just give you some good ole fashioned Jelly love. So here we go.

Those of you who have spent time reading previous tales of the Jelly Chronicles already know Jelly's heartfelt love of destruction. After all, she's like a toddler in a teenager's body. The girl is clumsy, just like any 14 year old; and just like any 14 year old, Jelly LOVES to eat. It doesnt matter what's put in front of her, Jellly Belly will chow down on whatever she's given. Which brings us to her favorite snack of choice: SHOES.
Jelly Elizabeth loves her shoes. Flip flops, dress shoes, heels, and loafers. The chewier the better. I can't quite figure out if it's a strange fixation on feet, the feel of plastic and foam between her teeth, or the subsequent screams that accompany each newfound Jelly shoe creation, but my labrador just can't get enough footwear. Any tips on handling this issue would be welcome. After all.... winter is coming and we can't go barefoot.

In addition, Jelly has continued her habit of dragging random objects into the backyard. The television show "Hoarders" would have a field day with my sweet puppy. Regardless of said object, whether it be trash, remote control, or person (ok, just kidding on the person part), Jelly loves adding ot her backyard collection. While I love her attempts at being prudent (after all, she might need that empty pepsi bottle someday!), her hoarde of stolen goods continues to grow at a rapid pace, despite our best efforts. So go ahead and add "hoarder" and "theif" to your long list of Jelly descriptions.

As I contine the tedious process of looking for a big kid job, Jelly continues to be at the forefront of my mind. If finding a future apartment wasn't stressful enough, the idea of introducing Jelly to new carpets, new fire hydrants, and new best canine companions induces a teensy bit of apprehension. However... I must say that this whole "growing up" thing is much scarier than I even anticipated. As such, it's nice to know that I have a best friend to take with me, regardless of where I go. Granted, she's not much of a guard dog... Like I said, throw her a flip flop, and she'll be distracted for at least an hour... But her sweet puppy love and playful puppy face always seem to make me feel better.

So here's to you, Miss Jelly McAdams. To your shoe-chewing, trash-hoarding, nighttime-barking, round-the-house-running, late-night-cuddling, face-licking, dog-food-breath self. Thanks for the loving.

Blessings on you and yours :)
Amanda Christine

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