Monday, October 3, 2011

Through the Cracks

I once blogged about the idea of living with "Kingdom Eyes"... a way of looking at the world in a holy, spiritual context. I love this concept... to think that I could go throughout my day, viewing everything as a component of holiness and goodness.

Recently I've found myself reflecting, more so than usual, on this idea. I'm a big fan of writing notes to myself... whether they're inspirational thoughts, bible verses, or just words of encouragement, ever since Middle School, i've found myself leaving post-it's all over, writing on my mirrors, and leaving notes on the dashboard of my car. Honestly, it's a huge way of refocusing myself.
The phrase "Kingdom Eyes" is one that resides in several places that I frequent... including the mirror in my room and in my car.
I want so badly to incorporate this idea into my life, primarly in one way:

I so much want to begin seeing others the way that God sees them.

This is such a difficult thing to do. Trust me when I say, as a red-head, I've got a temper that competes with the best of them. Granted, it doesn't awaken often. But I'm also an individual who is motivated by emotion... driven by feeling. I behave in conjunction with the way I feel at the time... which makes things like accceptance and forgiveness difficult at times. It's hard to forgive when I'm hurt, and it's hard to accept when I feel uncomfortable.
I don't think this is an issue that is unfamiliar to many.

I so long to see the world in the way that Jesus does. To see, not only present circumstance, but potential and beauty in individuals. I crave to look at a person and see them the way that God created them to be.

Most of my thoughts lately revolve around the question: What would it take? How can I tangibly do this?

So I'm trying to examine myself... to look at my actions and see how I accomplish this with those whom I love. Because, in all honesty, I love some screwed up people. :) I mean, granted, I'm pretty screwed up myself. But aren't we all?
I love people who have hurt me... who have disappointed me... who haven't been there when I needed them, or have quit when they promised they wouldn't. I love people who are poor, and broken, and in need of a savior just as much as I am.
And yet, I love. I love because I see who they are, underneath all of that brokenness. Because I've seen their potential, and I've seen their goodness.

I once had a group-leader at a camp who demonstrated the idea of the beauty of brokenness. Smashing a clay pot in pieces, he had us put those pieces gently and carefully back together. We took our time, gluing each and every shard back into place... taking extreme caution and care. When we finished, he placed a candle in the middle of the pot, and turned off the lights. Even with all the care and time we'd put into piecing that pot back together... there were cracks. You could see them. But the beauty came from where the light shone through those imperfections... where the fire inside was visible.

I think that the key to loving someone with "Kingdom Eyes" is just that. Seeing the light through their imperfections and, in turn, recognizing those very imperfections as beauty. To love, despite the hurt, and despite the pain. Recklessly and loyally. Raging and unceasing.

There's a yearning in my heart to love people that way. I don't know how tangibly attainable this goal is... in all honesty, I've yet to be extremely successful. I continue to feel frustration... selfish ambition... pride. So much pride. But at the end of the day, if I'm going to love like Jesus, I have to recognize that the very essence of that love was rooted in humility.

So here's to loving humbly, deeply, and recklessly.

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