Sunday, May 20, 2012

Musings of a Master...

Well hello blog world!
Yes, you are reading the words of a newly declared Master of Social work. I know that my rhetoric just sounds so much smarter... my words, I'm sure, just jump off of the screen with life and intelligence. ;) Just kidding.
But I am, at last, a graduate! From late night thesis writing, to working with my homeless/unaccompanied youth, to walking across that stage last Saturday, it's been a whirlwind. So, in the spirit of new beginnings, I've decided to write a blog declaring the top ten things I've learned since become a Master! Granted, most of them should be fairly comical, but for the sake of posterity, I figured I should probably record them. ;) So here we go!

Lesson One: Moving home is not such a bad thing.
Yes, I have uttered those infamous words. Again, I repeat: moving home is NOT such a bad thing! Not having yet procured a job, I have relocated to the bustling metropolis of Henderson, Texas... back to my parents' house. While many might see this is a step backward from the high-stress, crazy busy lifestyle that I was living in Abilene, you'd be surprised. Not only have vegetables made a grand re-entrance to my diet, but I have caught up on all the sitcoms that I love, have cooked actual meals, and have begun the process of regrowing all the hair that I lost from stress over the past year! (Okay... maybe I'm kidding about the hair part!)
Lesson Two: Daytime TV is FANTASTIC.
It's true. For those of you without the distinct pleasure of being unemployed, you might not know that daytime TV has the distinct ability to make all of your problems seem like nothing! You should know that yes, somewhere on tv, there is usually an episode of Friends airing... thank goodness... but also, that Judge Judy is the boss, Ellen's got the best talkshow, and nothing compares to drinking coffee and watching Today. So in addition to my Netflix obsession, add daytime television. It's the best.
Lesson Three: You're never too old for daddy-daughter time.
Over the past week, I've gotten to have lots of one-on-one time with my daddy. While many might not see this as such a grand idea, it's been great making up for not being around each other for the past five years! We've had lunch on several occasions, watched movies, and run errands. So be forewarned, ladies and gentlemen: Just because you get your master's degree, it does not mean that you cease needing someone to love on you!
Lesson Four: Job hunting is the WORST.
You heard it here first. Looking for a job is a nightmare... especially when you don't know where you want to be! This is pretty much how it goes: I prepare resumes and cover letters, references and emails... only to send them out into the great abyss of cyberland to wait for a reply that will, most likely, never come. You'd think that people would be lining up to hire a recent graduate with next to no experience... but no. :) Needless to say, the process is a little bit discouraging. But I'm staying optimistic... after all, I've only been a master for a week. ;) Check in with me if I don't have job in December. If you can't find me... I'll probably be in my room... in the dark... eating donuts and watching Gossip Girl while I cry. Job hunting is the worst.
Lesson Five: Musicals and Disney movies still hold the answers.
As you well know by this point, I'm a multi-tasker... so as I fill out application after application, I find myself watching the old favorites... Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid... to name a few. Sountracks have found their way into my job-application parties as well... so the blaring vocals of Wicked, Spring Awakening, and RENT have all been staples over the course of the past week. In these aforementioned areas, I've re-learned life lessons that continue to hold relevance. So as simplistic as it may seem... I've been enjoying returning to some thoughts that, while unoriginal, still hold true in my life.
Lesson Six: Yes, I very much miss my friends.
It's a weird phenomenon, going from college to post-graduate life. Not only have I never been officially done with school before, but I haven't taken a summer off since I can remember. Needless to say, it's an adjustment period. As such, I miss my friends in Abilene, and those who are now spread across the state... and the country, in some cases... very much. It's strange to not wake up and have lunch plans or to see names written down in my planner of friends whom I want to spend time with. So as great as it is to be done with school, I will definitely be the first to admit that I miss the people who have surrounded me for the past five years...
Lesson Seven: Sonic Happy Hour does not cease to be just as important.
I feel like this one is self-explanatory.
Lesson Eight: You can't always get what you want.
The song is true. You can't, in fact, always get what you want. Regardless of how hard I work, how much I whine, or how frustrated I get, I do not have any real control over what happens next in my life. While I would love to have a dream job, with a dream apartment, in a dream location... with my dream wardrobe ;)... at this point in time, it hasn't happened. But I'm still okay... I'm still me. And that's what's important... just because things aren't necessarily the way I'd love them to be, they're still good. So I am blessed.
Lesson Nine: If all else fails, take a nap.
It's still just as effective as it was when I was five. If used effectively, I'm convinced that naps could solve all of the world's problems. :) People would be less cranky, more well-rested, and better able to make good decisions! When I'm feeling overwhelmed with the way that things are, taking a nap always makes things so much better. Take this advice. I promise, you won't regret it.
Lesson Ten: At the end of the day, I'm still basically that same 18 year old girl who drove her silver bug to Abilene almost five years ago. Still scared, still young, and still utterly clueless.
It's true. Regardless of how much I might joke about being smarter (I'm not, by the way!) or better off with this newfound degree, I might as well be walking into Gardner hall all over again. Regadless of when they happen in your life, new beginnings are always just as scary. I still cry over the uncertainty of it all sometimes. I still delight in the joys of unexpected triumph. I still get frustrated, annoyed, and terrified, all at the same time. But the beauty comes from what the past five years have added to my God-story... the people whom I've loved, the experiences I've had, and the things that I've learned have changed me for good.

So there you have it. As limited in scope as they may be... there they are. :) Hope you enjoyed the rantings of a complete crazyhead. :)
Blessings on you and yours,
Amanda Christine

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