Thursday, October 11, 2012

Best Friend-aversary!

 Over the course of a lifetime, any given individual goes through many seasons. Change is inevitable. Just as the leaves change from summer to fall, so our lives develop. Our tastes change. Our likes and dislikes become more pronounced, and even our very personalities can be impacted by the way events transpire. Inevitably, this means that the people who impact our lives at any given point change as well. Kindergarten teachers are swapped for college professors... The operators of felt boards in Sunday School morph into Youth Ministers who take you to climb your first mountain... and your coloring book confidants eventually fade to make way for shopping buddies with whom you can whisper about boys for hours on end.

 But there are a few of us, the exceptionally lucky ones, who are blessed with our other halves a little earlier than others. While many might have to wait for years before finding a true best friend, I was blessed with mine 23 years ago today, when Melissa Ann Munoz made her grand entrance into existence; and boy, am I lucky to call her my best friend.
It began early. Since our parents were friends before we were even born, Missy and I were blessed to come into this world knowing one another. Granted, I had to wait a whole 4 months for her to get here... Let me tell you, from what I remember of it, it was a rough time. ;) But as many of you who know Missy are aware of... I've pretty much spent my life waiting on her to get ready! :)
It's a unique blessing to have a lifelong best friend. We began with the early days of performing "Jesus loves me" on the fireplace for our attentive and captive audience (yes mom, dad, Mr. Chuck, and Mrs. Lisa, that means you!) and going to our very first Acapella concerts together... Gumbo and salad with our families and dressing up to pretend we were characters in Beauty and the Beast (Sorry I was so bossy and always made you be Gaston). Birthday parties and Sunday mornings were never complete without my best friend Missy.
 And then we got older. Coloring books turned into shopping trips, and fireplace performances turned into harmonizing in the car with one another. Through LTC's, trips to Mexico, playing sports, and formals, she was always my support system. Missy is the best friend that a girl could ask for. In the midst of broken hearts, graduations, and the loss of loved ones, she has been one of the most constant sources of encouragement, affirmation, and love that I have ever had the benefit of calling mine. I'm so thankful that we've gotten to make this journey through life together. As the one who's stuck by me through the awkward stages of braces, glasses, and bad hair (My stage lasted WAY longer than hers), Missy knows me in an unique way that no one in this lifetime probably ever will.
Now, as we grow older, things inevitably get more difficult. No longer am I able to see my precious best friend every morning. Our days of shared schools, houses, and clubs have come and gone. People will come into our lives who will impact us... We'll both start families, and develop great loves for some inevitably wonderful, good lookin', intelligent husbands. :)

I miss being able to see her every day. I miss being able to whisper secrets at night and go shopping for special occasions. But through it all, there is one thing I'm certain of:
I met my soul mate when I was four months old; and I am so thankful for it.
So to the best friend, roommate, fashion consultant, woman of God, and partner in crime a girl could ask for: Thank you. Thanks for loving me through the ups and downs, and for never letting our differences impact us. Thanks for telling me which outfits look good, and reminding me that tights are not pants. :) Thanks for being a motivator, and always reminding me who I am and whose I am. I love you munch. Best friends forever.

Love you,

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