Friday, November 4, 2011


Sometimes life is thrust so clearly into perspective, that it's breathtaking. All at once, the moments throughout your day that seemed so utterly devestating... your phone battery dying, so you couldn't play Angry Birds, or the vending machine running out of diet cokes... those things don't seem to matter quite as much.

For those of you who don't know, there was an accident with a bus of ACU students today. When the bus flipped over, seventeen people were injured, and one girl has passed away.

This tragedy has seemingly rocked the ACU community. Not only is the entire campus pulling together for pray vigils, supportive groupings, and times of focusing on loved ones, but alumni, facutly, and staff have sent an outpouring of love for the ACU community via twitter, facebook, and text messages. To be quite honest, I've never seen such a tangible and evident display of unity and love in a time of heartache and tragedy firsthand.

And I'm thankful. I'm thankful that the accident wasn't any worse than it was, because there could have easily been many more fatalities. I'm thankful that God has allowed ACU to reach families, friends, and loved ones, and give peace to their weary and anxious hearts. I'm thankful that many people will recover from this ordeal, and I'm thankful that God is bigger than I am.

But most of all, I'm thankful for the people in my life. I know that it's often said that you don't realize what you have until it's gone.... and I firmly agree. I know that often, in times of tragedy and loss, people cling to those whom they love. They seek guidance and affirmation and comfort. They intensify bonds and finally tell each other how important each one of them is.

So to you, my friends, family, and not-so-well-known followers... I love you. Thank you for going on this journey thus far with me, in the blogging world. :) Thank you for your consistent encouragement, affirmation, and joy. Thanks for being active and present people in my life, and thanks for caring enough to read my words every now and then. My God is bigger. Even in the midst of confusion, anxiety, and pain... He's bigger.

Blessings on you and yours,
Amanda Christine

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